Thursday 31 December 2020

♡Jaffareadstoo's Favourite Reads of the Year 2020 ♡


This year has been such a challenge and more than at any other time in my life I have found an escape from the worries of reality by escaping into an imagined world.

As a book blogger I am in an extremely privileged position of being able to read the most amazing books long before they are published and it has been my delight in sharing these books this year on Jaffareadstoo. Having read over 240 fabulous books, it's been really difficult to whittle the list down to a manageable 30 otherwise this list would have been as long as a sheet of wallpaper!

To all these fabulous authors ♡THANK YOU ♡for sharing the gift of your imagination in this difficult year and for giving me such wonderful stories, and to all the hard working publishers who continue to support Jaffareadstoo with such enthusiasm.

And especial thanks to the book blogging community of A Bunch of Book Bloggers and Book Connectors on Facebook whose posts keep me sane in an often complicated world and for all the likes and shares on social media.

In No Particular Order

©Jaffareadstoo 2020


  1. Wonderful list Jo. Lovely to see so many Random Things Tours books here. Thank you for your incredible support xx

    1. Thanks.Anne. I've loved the book choices on your blog tours in 2020. Here's to more fabulous reads in 2021. Happy New Year xx

  2. Lovely list, many of which I've read already but still a few to add to my wishlist. Happy new year Jo, Jaffa and Timmy.


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