Monday 8 June 2020

Blog Tour ~ That Holiday in France by Rhoda Baxter ☼

☼ Delighted to host today's stop on this summery blog tour ☼

My thanks to the author and BOTBS for my copy of this book
and the invitation to be part of this Blog Tour
#5 Trewton Royd series

When Ellie’s boyfriend forbids her from going to France to attend her best friend’s wedding, she decides she’s had enough. She dumps him and goes to France by herself. But travelling alone is scary and Ellie realises how reliant she’d become on the men in her life.

On holiday, she learns to trust her own judgement and grows in confidence. Just when she decides she doesn’t need a man to complete her, she meets Ash, who is everything her ex wasn’t.

But is Ellie willing to give up her new found independence and link herself to another man?

What did I think about it..

Ellie really wants to go to her best friend Sophie's wedding in France, and after the first few pages I was cheering Ellie on hoping that she would dump the miserable boyfriend who told her that she couldn't go !  

What then follows is a lovely story of how Ellie takes off on her own adventure, tackling the journey to France, coping not just with her low self esteem but also with anxiety due to worrying about language problems. I really warmed to Ellie and genuinely wanted her to find the confidence to do things for herself after years of being told what to do by both her father and her controlling boyfriend.

The author writes well and whilst this is book #4 in the Trewton Royd series I never felt like I was having to pick up the story as it is very easy to read as a stand alone, and brings an array of delightful characters into the picture. I especially liked Sophie who extended natural warmth and common sense but I think it is in Ellie's burgeoning sweet relationship with the gentle, Ash which caught my attention the most.

Beautifully written, That Holiday in France is lovely summer read, complete with warm hearted characters who, very soon, feel like you've known them forever, and thanks to Ellie's baking abilities there's also a delightful array of sumptuous pastries and cakes to drool over ๐Ÿ˜Š

Rhoda Baxter writes romantic comedies about strong heroines and nice-guy heroes. Having studied microbiology at university, Rhoda likes all things science geeky. She also loves cake, crochet and playing with Lego. She lives in Yorkshire with her young family and wishes she had more time to bake.

You can find out more about her (and get a free book by signing up to her newsletter) on her website.

Twitter @RhodaBaxter #ThatHolidayInFrance



  1. Thanks so much for being part of the blog tour today x

    1. Always a pleasure. Thank you for the invitation to be part of the tour x

  2. Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. (I had a lot of fun writing the tiny puddings!)

    1. Thank YOU for a lovely story...and the tiny puddings x


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