Monday 26 August 2019

Let's play ...Book Bingo 2019..

๐Ÿ˜Š...Over summer I've been playing a fun game of Book Bingo...๐Ÿ˜Š

An author you’ve not read before
A book with over 400 pages

A Tapestry of Treason by Anne O'Brien
A book with fewer than 200 pages

The Nail House by Gregory Baines
Set in the UK
Aimed at teenagers or young children

Sven and the Purse of Silver by Michael E Wills
Recommended by someone

A Book of Poetry

10 Poems About Bees 
A book with a summery title

A Walk in Wildflower Park by Bella Osborne
A book from my wish-list

Lancelot by Giles Kristian
It’s been made into a play or film

The Thunder Girls by Melanie Blake
A non-fiction
Chosen with your eyes closed from book shelf 7th book along
A dystopian book 

The Last by Hanna Jameson
A crime novel
 A book you're
excited about

Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott
Published in 2019

Clear My Name by Paula Daly
A book with the month in the title
An award winning book

Her Last Promise by Kathryn Hughes
By a male author

At Your Door by J P Carter
Listened a book 


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