Sunday 3 March 2019

Blog Tour ~ The Two Hearts of Eliza Bloom by Beth Miller

Jaffareadstoo is thrilled to host one of today's final stops

 on the The Two Hearts of Eliza Bloom Blog Tour

1 March 2019

My thanks to the author and publishers for my e-copy of this book
and the invitation to be part of the tour

She followed her heart to change her life, but she didn’t realise how much she left behind…

Eliza Bloom has a list of rules: long, blue skirt on Thursdays, dinner with mother on Fridays, and never give your heart away to the wrong person. Nothing is out of place in her ordered life…

Then she met someone who she was never supposed to speak to. And he introduced her to a whole world of new lists:

New foods to try – oysters and sushi
Great movies to watch – Bambi and Some Like It Hot 
Things I love about Eliza Bloom

Eliza left everything she knew behind for him, but sometimes love just isn’t enough. Especially when he opens a hidden shoebox and starts asking a lot of questions about her past life. As the walls Eliza has carefully constructed threaten to come crashing down, will she find a way to keep hold of everyone she loves, and maybe, just maybe, bring the two sides of her heart together at last?

My thoughts..

Eliza Bloom meets someone and against all the odds fall in love, but from the very start of this relationship everything seems stacked against them, and yet, the very differences between the couple is what makes their combined stories so fascinating. As we all know, relationships are so often fraught with insecurities, and as Eliza discover to her cost, that if a relationship is worth having, it’s worth fighting for.

I enjoyed how the story unfolded, particularly the back story which gives more of an insight in Eliza’s background. I won’t spoil the story by giving anything away, as this is one of those stories which is better read with no idea of where the story is leading, that way you can appreciate just how much thought and preparation has been done by the author in order to make everything feel so exactly right.

I enjoy stories which, although light hearted, have the ability to inform as well as entertain and, as I read through the story, I learned such a lot about Eliza’s religion that I didn’t know anything about. The reasons why she acts as she does is explained in such a lovely way that you can’t help but be sympathetic to the situation she finds herself in.

The Two Hearts of Eliza Bloom is a really lovely story which is written with all the warmth and intricate detail which is so characteristic of this author’s wonderful storytelling technique. The Two Hearts of Eliza Bloom had me captivated from beginning to end, it made me laugh, made me smile and I even shed a little tear or two along the way. Lovely ๐Ÿ˜Š

About the Author

Twitter @drbethmiller #TheTwoHeartsOfElizaBloom


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