Sunday 25 October 2015

Sunday War Poet ...

The theme for this months poetry



The Place


Francis Ledwidge

Blossoms as old as May I scatter here,
And a blue wave I lifted from the stream.
It shall not know the winter days are drear
Or March is hoarse from blowing, But a-dream
The laurel boughs shall hold a canopy
Peacefully over it the winter long
Till all the birds are back from oversea
And April rainbows win a blackbird's song.

And when the war is over I shall take
My lute a-down to it and sing again
Songs of the whispering things amongst the brae
And those i love shall know them by their strain
Their airs shall be the blackbird's twilight song,
Their words shall all be flowers with fresh dews hoar-
But it is lonely now in winter long
And, God! to hear the blackbird sing once more

Francis Ledwidge 1887 - 1917 was an Irish writer and poet .

He was killed on the 31st July 1917 whilst helping to mend a road near Ypres.


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