I am delighted to welcome to Jaffareadstoo

October 2015
Hi Katey ~ welcome and thanks for spending time on our blog....
What makes you want to write romantic short stories?
I’ve always written short stories, partly because I didn’t have the belief that I’d be able to finish writing a novel or novella. Romance has been one of my favourite genres to read since my teens and although I’ve dabbled in other genres my heart and soul is committed to romance and women’s fiction, both as a reader and a writer.
Short stories are seeing a bit of a revival – people are reading them on tablets and mobile phones and they’re perfect for when you have a small amount of time to spare, such as when commuting on public transport, waiting for an appointment or during a lunch or coffee break. Harper Impulse published Brigid Coady’s Kiss series a couple of years back and that was a real catalyst for me in trying to get my own writing out there. Knowing publishers were looking to do something different, which is what I always try to do as a writer, encouraged me to write The Meet Cute series.
And do you write for yourself or other people?
First and foremost, I strongly believe every writer should write for themselves. It’s lovely to think of others reading and enjoying your stories, but if you don’t believe in what you write it’ll show.
Where do your ideas for stories come from?
Sometimes I’ll see something and think ‘ooh, I can use that!’ or I’ll overhear a word or phrase that sparks an idea. With The Meet Cute series I was talking to a group of friends on WhatsApp about a story I’d written and one said she loved any books or films with a ‘meetcute’ in them. Within ten minutes I’d decided to write the series and we were throwing ideas around of places where couples could get together. There were originally seven stories in the series but I’ve now written nine, with couples meeting in all kinds of settings.
Are you a romantic ?
Absolutely. I’m more likely to be wooed by thoughtful gestures than gifts.
What do you love about writing?
I love being able to create something that no one else knows about. That makes me sound secretive which I’m really not, but there’s something very special about starting a new project full of ideas and endless possibilities and it being entirely your own.
And on a good day when words are flowing, it’s the best feeling ever.
What scares you about writing ?
It’s a bit of a cliché, but the blank page can be terrifying! And when you share your writing, whether that’s through publication, a writing group or emailing it to a friend, there’s always a fear. I’ve spoken to lots of authors who say the same, I guess it’s just scary to let others form opinions about anything you’ve worked hard on. I’ve definitely developed a thicker skin through the whole process of submitting my writing to publishers and agents.
What’s next?
I’ve spent this year working on two longer projects, a women’s fiction novel and a steamy romance novella set in Hollywood. It’d be wonderful if either (or both!) were to be published. In terms of more writing, I’m planning to take part in NaNoWriMo although I’m not sure I’ll manage the full 50,000 words in November!
The Boy in the Bookshop, the first story in the Meet Cute series is out now, published by Harper Impulse, to be followed by The Boy at the Beach on 5th November 2015 and The Boy at the Bakery on 12th November 2015.
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About the Author

Katey Lovell is fanatical about words. An avid reader, writer and poet, she once auditioned for Countdown and still tapes the show every night. Getting the conundrum before the contestants is her ultimate thrill.
She loves love and strives to write feel-good romance that'll make you laugh and cry in equal measure.
Originally from South Wales, Katey now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and their seven year old son.
Find Katey on twitter, @katey5678
Facebook www.facebook.com/kateylovell.
Huge thanks to Katey for sharing her thoughts about her short stories with us today.
Jaffa and I wish you much success with your writing career.
Jaffa and I wish you much success with your writing career.
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