Here's the fabulous, Jo at Jaffareadstoo
🎅What’s your earliest Christmas Memory?
I remember Christmas 1963, when I received my much longed for Sindy Doll. She was the one wearing blue jeans and a stripey top. My dad made a Sindy wardrobe and my mum had put a couple of outfits in it. I think one of the outfits was 'City Girl' which came with a little dog, and 'Shopping in the Rain' which was a raincoat and hood made from Black PVC!
I also remember the same Christmas my brothers got the Beatles LP With the Beatles and the songs All my Lovin' and Please Mister Postman remind me of that Christmas.
🎅Do you have any special Christmas Traditions?
I always have a nativity crib with figures that have been in the family for well over 60 years.
Baby Jesus never goes into the crib until he is born on Christmas Day!
I have the three kings traversing around the house for the whole of December until Epiphany when they reach the crib. You never know where the kings will show up.....
🎅What’s your favourite festive carol or song?
Silent Night.
I remember listening to someone sing Stille Nacht, heilige nacht one Christmas morning in the Hospice where I was the nurse in was magical.
Adeste Fidelis reminds me of Midnight Mass with my parents.
And John Lennon’s Happy Xmas ( War is Over ) reminds me of a school disco, Christmas 1971.
🎅Do you have a favourite festive film?
The Snowman as it reminds me of when my children were tiny and so excited that Christmas was finally here. They would both sit still for half an hour whilst this was on the TV.
What’s your favourite festive read ?
It's always got to be
Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Although my Christmas treat this year is to read
Miss Marley by Vanessa Lafaye, who very sadly passed away earlier this year.
🎅Are you organised or do you leave everything until the last minute ?
Mainly organised, although I can keep shopping until the very last minute !
I do try to get Christmas cards written early and tend to buy Christmas presents as I see them from about mid-October time.
🎅Christmas Tree – real or artificial?
A good artificial tree works for us. I've always had cats who like to swing from tree branches, scattering glittery baubles, so having had more than one tree pulled over by a curious kitty it’s so much easier to have something that’s not going to shed pine needles everywhere should it topple over!
I have just a couple of these rather fragile baubles left which I bought in Leeds in 1980, for our first Christmas tree as a married couple.
🎅Tinsel or Glitter?
Tinsel rather than glitter but I really prefer stranded beads or ribbons on the tree which I think look pretty.
I dislike the feeling of glitter on my hands and so avoid it wherever possible.
🎅Christmas Cracker of Party Poppers
Christmas Crackers every time. I love the terrible jokes, cheap plastic contents and colourful party hats that are either too big or too small !
🎅Mince Pie or Yule Log?
A little bit of both works for us. Warm mince pie or Christmas Pudding and a dollop of ice-cream for me but it’s always Yule Log for the family and we have to test several recipes before we get to the one that’s chosen for the ‘big’ day !
🎅Christmas Dinner – Traditional Turkey, Nut Roast Veggie or something Different?
Always traditional turkey, sourced locally and cooked to perfection by my husband. Although this year we're going to shake it up a bit and have a Christmas buffet rather than having a sit around the table roast dinner. There won't be sprouts this year !
🎅Christmas Tipple – Bucks Fizz/Mulled Wine or something stronger?
I'm a non-drinker so, whilst I may have a tiny Buck's Fizz during present opening, the rest of the day it's elder lower pressé, or a nice cup of my favourite Darjeeling tea 😊
I'm not a great fan of mulled wine - it always tastes medicinal.
🎅A fun game of after dinner charades or more chocolates and the television?
It's got to be a good book, or whatever drama is on the television.
🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅 🎅
Wherever you are in the world and whoever you share it with, Jaffa, Timmy and I wish you the
Happiest of Christmases