Tuesday 24 July 2018

Blog Tour ~ The Memories of Us by Vanessa Carnevale

Jaffareadstoo is excited to be hosting today's stop on the blog tour for The Memories of Us

July 2018

My thanks to the publishers for my copy of this book and the invitation to be part of the blog tour

One moment can change your life

When Gracie Ashcroft wakes after a crash with severe amnesia, she must choose whether to live a life through other people’s memories or to start a new life all her own.

Discovering her late mother left her an old flower farm, Gracie leaves her fiancé, best friend and the home full of forgotten memories behind, hoping to learn who she is now.

Torn between wishing she could remember and afraid of losing what she now has, Gracie starts to wonder: if you had your time over, would you live the same life twice?

My thoughts..

Our memories shape us, make us the people we are, and those who are meaningful to us know that the fabric of our lives is so often caught up in the importance of these cherished memories. When Gracie Ashcroft is involved in a road traffic accident, her memory is seriously impaired leaving her with no memory of her best friend, Scarlett or her fiancé, Blake, or her work as a designer. Finding the lost pieces of herself is difficult when her friends, in an effort to do good, share their recollections with her, but as Gracie points out these are not her memories.

In search of her own cherished memories, and in order to bring back some meaning to her life, Gracie returns to the almost deserted Flower Farm which once belonged to her mother, and which, on the surface, seems to be the perfect escape. What then follows is a story about discovering the important things in life, the joy and meaning to be found spending time outdoors, or in the vibrant colour of a bunch of sweet-peas, or in the making of new friends.

This is a really lovely feel-good story, well written, with just enough angst to make the aftermath of Gracie's recovery seem realistic, but with some lovely light touches along the way. The warmth of the Australian setting and the imagined aroma, and hidden meaning of beautiful flowers, make this a perfect summer read.

Vanessa Carnevale is a freelance writer based in Australia, who has contributed to The Green Parent, The Huffington Post, Muse, and Italy magazine, among others. Her debut novel, The Florentine Bridge, was published in 2017 by HQ in Australia. She was a finalist in the Best New Author category for the AusRom Today Readers Choice Awards 2017.

Twitter @v_carnevale #TheMemoriesOfUs


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