Sunday 6 March 2022

🍴 Sunday Brunch with Jaffareadstoo ~ Hobeck Books

On this quiet Sunday morning why don't you put the kettle on, make your favourite breakfast and settle down for Sunday Brunch with Jaffareadstoo

I'm delighted to welcome Adrian and Rebecca from Hobeck Books to Sunday Brunch

A very warm welcome to you both. What favourite food are you both bringing to Sunday brunch?

ADRIAN: I'd have to bring a perfectly ripe avocado - the perfect partner for the bacon in my opinion, but not one shared with Rebecca!

REBECCA: Indeed, I don’t like avocado at all. My breakfast choice is a bit strange but here goes: tinned plum sausages on toast with grated cheese and BBQ sauce. I eat this almost every day (unless Adrian offers to make an omelette – he’s rather good with eggs).

Would you like a pot of English breakfast tea, a strong Americano, or a glass of Bucks Fizz?

ADRIAN: A strong but decaf americano for me. I've recently given up the caffeine as my heart was playing up!

REBECCA: A large strong Americano normally, but since you are offering a Bucks Fizz, why not? Yes please!

Where shall we eat brunch – around the kitchen table, in the formal dining room, or outside on the patio?

ADRIAN: Patio appeals on a nice day I have to say.

REBECCA: In a Japanese hot spring (and I’d have to be naked) surrounded by snow. Is that possible? I have experienced this once and it was utterly sublime.

Shall we have music playing in the background, and if so do you both have a favourite piece of music?

ADRIAN: I use Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon as my creative mood enhancer. Alternatively, a Cafe Del Mar CD would do the trick.

REBECCA: As I’m sat in a Japanese hot spring I’d have to have Yoshimoto Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips

Which of your literary heroes (dead or alive) are joining us for Sunday Brunch today?

ADRIAN: Can't look beyond Clive James. Guaranteed excellent conversation.

REBECCA: Again, given the location, it has to be Haruki Murakami. I have read all his books and I’m one of those super fans who would go to Waterstones at midnight to get the next one.

As publishers do you still find time to read for pleasure and which favourite book will you bring to Sunday Brunch?

ADRIAN: I don't read for pleasure enough I find, but I'm currently reading V2 by Robert Harris so that can come too.

REBECCA: I read a lot. I always have at least one, often two, books on the go. I’d probably bring The World According to Garp by John Irving as in my opinion John Irving is the ultimate story teller. He is a genius. I first read this book when I was a student and I carried it everywhere for about two years.

Tell us about Hobeck Books, how you got started in the publishing world, and the ethos of your company?

ADRIAN: I come from a creative background - albeit broadcasting with a 25 year career with the BBC. We created Hobeck to combine our skills and knowledge. Rebecca has years of top publishing experience, and I have a creative management background. Our ethos is to combine traditional publishing values with the best of indie marketing techniques, and we work extremely collaboratively with our authors.

REBECCA: As Adrian has already said, I have been working in publishing for years, since 1998. I grew up surrounded by books so it made sense that once I had to earn money, I should surround myself by books at work as well.

What excites you about publishing?

ADRIAN: Nurturing authors and bringing great stories to readers. No two days are the same. Seeing the Hobeck logo on the spines of our paperbacks still gives me a thrill.

REBECCA: I also love nurturing authors and seeing their writing develop. I even love the constant fire-fighting nature of our job – emailing authors, answering queries, engaging with bloggers, talking to readers, writing blurb, making TikTok videos.

Give us four essential items that a publisher needs?

ADRIAN: Patience, a grip on grammar, enthusiasm, and a love of story.

REBECCA: The Concise Oxford English Dictionary, a creative eye, a strong coffee and lots of chocolate.

What can you tell us about the exciting titles you have planned for 2022?

ADRIAN: We have new authors launching with us this year, as well as some great books by our existing team. Look out for The Chemist by Lewis Hastings, Blood Lines from Lin Le Versha, and Jonathan Peace's debut set in 1987, Dirty Little Secrets.

REBECCA: We are having to find new ways to reach readers as existing digital platforms are proving not to be as effective as they used to be for marketing, so we are going to be making efforts towards doing that. I think the Hobcast, our weekly podcast, will be a big part of our year as we expand our pool of interviewees.

Where can we follow you on social media?

Twitter: @HobeckBooks


Instagram @HobeckBooks


Hobeck Books is a small UK independent publisher of fiction in the following genres: crime, thrillers, suspense and mysteries. Run by partners Rebecca Collins and Adrian Hobart, Hobeck now has twenty authors, from established names like Rob Gittins, Robert Daws and Linda Huber, to new authors like Wendy Turbin, Mark Wightman and Jonathan Peace.

Rebecca and Adrian, thank you both for sharing Sunday Brunch today. It's been great fun.

Follow us on Twitter @jaffareadstoo #SundayBrunchWithJaffareadstoo

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