Sunday 21 October 2018

Sunday WW1 Remembered ...

The Poppies Wave and Weeping Window designed by Paul Cummins and Tom Piper have been on tour around the UK since July 2015. The two sculptures were initially part of the Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red at the Tower of London in the summer and autumn of 2014. 

© J Barton

IWM North is currently hosting Wave whilst IWM London is hosting Weeping Window

At the end of the tour in December 2018 both of the installations will be preserved for the nation and will become part of the IWM collection with Wave remaining at IWM North in Salford and Weeping Window at IWM London.


On a glorious autumn day this week I visited the Poppy : Wave installation at the Imperial War Museum North at Salford Quays. 

© Digital Images

People stood quietly, some in contemplation, others walking around the installation to view from different angles, many taking photographs on mobile phones and digital cameras. On every face I saw respect for the thousands of war dead who were represented by each of the scarlet poppies that cascaded in a graceful arch, each symbolising a life which was lost forever.

© Digital Images

Find out more about the poppies on the 14-18Now Website

or visit IWM North where the poppies can be seen until the 25 November

Follow the Poppies on Twitter #PoppiesTour



  1. Breathtaking and humbling, Jo. Someone's son, someone's not-yet father. Are we living up to their lost dreams?

    1. It is indeed humbling, Pat. I would like to think that we are keeping their dreams alive but sometimes, I'm not so sure that we are x

  2. I am spotting all those silhouettes around Dorset currently, some in towns, some just by the side of the road. Those ghosts are very moving. Here in Bridport next month we shall have a "river of Poppies" runing down Colmers Hill, a local landmark. Thank you for all your entries over the last 4 years.

    1. Thank you Susan, I'm rather sad this project is coming to an end- I've learned such a lot about the war and its effect. I'm so pleased that you have followed this WW1 journey with me from the beginning and thank you for all your support. The 'There but not There' silhouettes are very evocative, as are the poppies.


Thanks for taking the time to comment - Jaffareadstoo appreciates your interest.