Thursday, 20 December 2018

🎄 Fabulously Festive with Sue Moorcroft 🎄

In the run up to Christmas, I have wonderful author interviews to help get you into the festive spirit

Here's the fabulous, Sue Moorcroft

A very festive welcome to you, Sue and thank you for spending this special time with Jaffareadstoo

🎄What’s your earliest Christmas Memory? 

I think I must have been four. We were living in Hampshire as we were an army family and my dad was stationed at Aldershot at the time. We were living out-of-barracks though, in a village called Cove. It’s the first memory I have of coming downstairs with my big brothers and finding all our presents waiting. I had a yellow doll’s cot as my main present, with a bride doll. Mum had sewn bedclothes for the cot (cotclothes?), which was an act of love because she hated sewing. That doll was about the only one I remember having. I was more into robots and teddy bears. Dolls didn’t do anything and weren’t comfy to hug in bed. 

🎄Do you have any special Christmas Traditions? 

Boxing Day with the in-laws. Moorcroft family lunch between Christmas and New Year so that everyone can come, even if they live several hours away. It gets noisy! 

🎅What’s your favourite festive carol or song? 

Wizzard’s ‘I wish it could be Christmas every day’. It reminds me of my teen years. 

🎅Do you have a favourite festive film? 

They’re not Christmas films but the Christmas break often sees members of my family binging on ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies. 

🎅What’s your favourite festive read? 

‘Snow in Covent Garden’ by Jules Wake. It came out last year and I loved it. 

🎅Are you organised or do you leave everything until the last minute? 

Organised, but grudgingly. I look for the easy way of doing everything - shopping, wrapping, cooking … Having Christmas books out makes the run-up to Christmas a lot of fun but it distracts me. 

🎅Christmas tree – real or artificial? 

Artificial, but one of those that looks fairly real and the lights have to be white, not different colours. 

🎅Tinsel or Glitter? 

Both! Why not? 

🎅Christmas cracker or party popper? 

Cracker. The mottos and jokes can be entertaining. I don’t like the hats though. 

🎅Mince Pie or Yule Log? 

Yule log. Until such time as I find there are chocolate mince pies, anyway. 

🎅Christmas Dinner – Traditional Turkey, Nut Roast Veggie or something a bit different? 

Traditional roast but not turkey. Usually lamb or beef. 

🎅Christmas Tipple – Bucks Fizz/Mulled Wine or something stronger? 

Champagne! That doesn’t mean I get it. I just like it. 

🎅A fun game of after dinner charades or more chocolates and the television? 

Reading’s more likely than TV, actually … but chocolates are very welcome.

About the Author

Sue Moorcroft writes ward winning contemporary fiction of life and love. She also writes short stories, serial, articles, columns, courses and writing 'howto'.

Avon Books
October 2018

Georgine loves Christmas. The festive season always brings the little village of Middledip to life. But since her ex-boyfriend walked out, leaving her with crippling debts, Georgine’s struggled to make ends meet.

To keep her mind off her worries, she throws herself into organising the Christmas show at the local school. And when handsome Joe Blackthorn becomes her assistant, Georgine’s grateful for the help. But there’s something about Joe she can’t quite put her finger on. Could there be more to him than meets the eye?

Georgine’s past is going to catch up with her in ways she never expected. But can the help of friends new and old make this a Christmas to remember after all?

Twitter @suemoorcroft

🎅 Happy Christmas 😊


  1. Thanks so much for inviting me onto your lovely blog for a little Christmas chat. I hope you and all your blog followers have a wonderful festive season. :-) x

    1. Thank you, Sue, for being our Fabulously Festive guest. Jaffa, Timmy and I wish you a very happy Christmas x


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