Monday, 8 May 2017

😻 It's our Sixth Blogoversary 😻

Six years ago I took a leap of faith and decided that, with Jaffa's help, I would start to record, on my own website, my thoughts about the books I was reading. I was already an active reviewer on Goodreads and Amazon and also reviewed books for Newbooks Magazine, Love Reading and Real Readers, so reviewing wasn't new to me, however, blogging was a completely different way of sharing my thoughts, both on my blog and also on social media. Social media was something of an enigma and when I started to blog, I didn't use either Facebook or Twitter, so getting to be familiar with both was a huge learning curve, and something I needed to get the hang of quickly if I wanted Jaffareadstoo to survive in a huge pool of blogs and bloggers.

A few of my online friends had already started to blog, some using Wordpress and others using Blogger to host their sites. And whilst I looked at both options, I decided that I rather liked the look of Blogger and its easy way of adding posts and pictures - so I decided to give it a try. My 'blogging' friends were a big help in the early days of Jaffareadstoo and they continue to be a huge support and an endless source of both help and inspiration. I am indebted to the excellent bloggers who continue to support my endeavors and who are always around to share nuggets of wisdom, and of course, their love of books and reading. 

Once I had the basic design, the blog needed a name, and some time previously my daughter had taken a photograph of, the then, kittenish, Jaffa, perched on my knee reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and she made the comment .." Jaffa reads too, and of course, there it was, my magical name, and thus, Jaffareadstoo was born.

Six years, and nearly 2000 blog posts later, Jaffareadstoo continues to survive and thrive in a world where book bloggers sometimes get a hard time. The notion that we get paid for reviewing books rears its ugly head time after time. To put the record straight - I DON'T get paid to review any of the books I share on my blog. I buy just as many books as I get for free and I spend hours and hours online making sure that Jaffareadstoo is both informative and fun.

As long as my love of books survives then so will Jaffareadstoo. Thanks for being with us over the last six years - we couldn't do this without the people who read and support us every day. Nor could we survive without all the wonderful authors and publishers who grace our pages and who make this blogging experience so much FUN 😊

As a  I have six lovely books to giveaway to new homes

Entry is really simple - just leave a nice comment on here, or on our Jaffareadstoo Facebook page.

Tell us which book you fancy reading and Jaffa will add ALL the names into his sorting hat on the 15th May - 😻

If by chance, you have read all these lovely books then opt for a mystery prize which Jaffa has put together in secret...

32599703 27162607 Obsession

25870395  34143553  

Just a few points:

Please be kind and follow our blog if you do not already do so or follow us on Twitter @jaffareadstoo or like us on Facebook

Leave a comment either on here or on our Facebook page and don't forget to tell us which book... or  mystery prize !

And leave us some contact details - either an email or Twitter username

We will post within UK and Europe 

👇You've just a week to add your lovely comments 👇

Good Luck.



  1. Dead to Me looks intriguing. Congratulations!

    1. Lovely to see you, Josa and for being such a lovely guest on Jaffareadstoo. You're welcome back, any time! Best of luck in the giveaway.

  2. Happy 6th blogging anniversary! All the books look great but I love the sound of Ten Poems of Kindness. Here's to many more years of blogging... :)

    1. Thank you, Hayleyyour good wishes and for all your support and the many tweets and shares. Best of luck in the giveaway. The poems are lovely.

  3. Many congratulations Josie (and Jaffa!) - six years in, and still one of my favourites. And I'm commenting just to wish you well - no need to enter me in your draw xx

    1. Many thanks, Anne for your support of Jaffareadstoo and the many tweets and shares. All greatly appreciated. Are you not to be tempted by Jaffa's mystery prize? 😁

  4. Happy Blogiversary. I love the idea of where your name came from. I'd love to read When I Was Invisible. All the best.

    1. Hi Kraftireader.. yes, sometimes names come from the most unexpected places. Thank you for your good wishes. Best of luck in the giveaway.

  5. Many Congratulations Josie (and Jaffa). 6 years is such an achievement and here's to many more. No need to enter me in the draw but a lovely giveaway xx

    1. Thanks so much for all your support of Jaffareadstoo, Karen. Can we not tempt you with Jaffa's mystery prize? 😁

  6. I forgot to mention a book. If i won id like any except the poems please xx

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting Jaffareadstoo and best of luck in the giveaway. I'm so pleased that you would like to read any of the selections, except the Poems!

  7. What an amazing achievement! Six years of blogging is something to be really proud of. Long may you and Jaffa continue to spread the love of books! xx

    1. Thank you for being such a lovely guest on Jaffareadstoo, Barbara. Jaffa and I really appreciate all your support.

  8. No need to put me in the hat - I have a few books to read! But I do want to say how much I love your blog and to wish you a happy blog anniversary x

    1. Thanks , Linda for all your support and the many tweets and shares , all greatly appreciated.

  9. Ooh, many congratulations Jo and Jaffa....I love your blog, happy 6th blogiversary, here's to many more 🍾
    If I was lucky enough to win , I would love to read obsession please xx

    1. Thanks, Dawn for all your support. I wish you lots of luck in the competition. just to say that Obsession is a fab read and will be reviewed on the blog tour this Wednesday , so come back then !

    2. Oh, I look forward to that review then! But can i change my mind about about what I'd like to win tho, to the Lesley Pearse one, I'd like to add it to my collection of Lesley Pearse books instead, sorry! X

  10. Hi Jo, still have that book you sent me to read, thank you! Just wanted to add my congratulations, you know I always enjoy your reviews. Happy anniversary!

    1. Hi Wendy, you are still welcome to be entered into Jaffa mystery prize! Looking forward to you being our guest on the blog at the end of May.

  11. Happy blogiversary, Jo and Jaffa! Thanks for all the wonderful book recommendations. I'd love to read Dorothy Koomson's book. What a great idea to hold a competition. Here's to another six years!

    1. Thank you, Helena for all your support and enthusiasm. Looking forward to having you as our guest on the blog in June. Good luck in the competition. I really enjoyed The Dorothy Koomson book.

  12. Many Blogratulations to you and Jaffa yours is one blog whose posts I try never to miss and whose reviews I trust implicitly. All the titles sound wonderful but as my tbr visit out if control I'd be happy for Jaffa to choose a prize (as long as it's not a freshly caught mouse) x Beadyjan x

    1. Thanks for your good wishes, Jan. I think we have supported each other's blogs over the years! I am sure Jaffa can be instructed not to send any mice ...good luck and thanks for your support.

  13. Well done Josie! I don't always comment but I always read you, and I don't need a prize - although the book of poems is rather enticing!! Here's to the next few brilliant years.

    1. Thanks, Susan, you've been a very welcome visitor to Jaffareadstoo. I will add you to the draw for the poems :)

  14. Congratulations on 6 brilliant years of book blogging. Looking forward to your next 6 :) xx (ps I love Lesley Pearce books)

    1. Hi Carole, thanks you for your good wishes and your support of my blog. You are a very welcome guest :) I'll add you to the draw for the Lesley Pearse!

  15. Obsession sounds great! And happy blogiversary! :)

  16. Will love to win Obsession. Sounds fantastic.

    1. Hi Leila , good luck - obsession is a great read :)

  17. Well done to those winners who have now received their books from Jaffareadstoo..

    Janet, Dawn, Lorna, Hayley, Lisa and Adele,

    Thanks for entering and for your support of Jaffareadstoo. xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment - Jaffareadstoo appreciates your interest.