Saturday 26 January 2019

Blog Tour ~ The Earl's Irresistible Challenge by Lara Temple

On Hist Fic Saturday

Jaffareadstoo is thrilled to be hosting today's stop on 

The Earl's Irresistible Challenge Blog Tour

December 2018
Book#1 in the Sinful Sinclair Series

My thanks to the publishers and Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of this book
and the invitation to be part of the blog tour

Could this infamous rake finally have found his countess? Part  One of The Sinful Sinclairs. 

When Lucas, Lord Sinclair, receives a mysterious summons from a Miss Olivia Silverdale he’s skeptical about whether he can help her. But Olivia, although eccentric, is in earnest about her quest to restore her late godfather’s reputation. Lucas’s curiosity is piqued, and not just by Olivia’s intelligent eyes and lithe form. A new challenge quickly presents itself: keeping Miss Silverdale at arm’s length!

My thoughts about it..

Olivia Silverdale is a woman on a mission to find out as much as she can about the circumstances surrounding her godfather's untimely demise. To do so she enlists the help of Lucas, Lord Sinclair, a man whose reputation as one of the 'Sinful Sinclairs' goes before him and yet, against Lucas's better judgement, Olivia's feisty eccentricity appeals to him in more ways than one.

The Earl's Irresistible Challenge gets off to a really good start and pretty soon I was completely entranced by Olivia, who, it must be said can be a little bit exasperating at times, however, her steely determination shines through and her ability to handle the irrepressible Earl is to her credit. Lucas is a completely different sort of character, a bit of a rogue most certainly, and yet, his handsome good looks and smouldering passion is, for me, what sets the story alight.

I found much to enjoy in this story which is the first that I have read by this author. Her sense of style and light and easy touch brings both place and people alive. The hoi poloi of Regency London with all of its complicated social nuances comes to life, and whilst perhaps, Olivia is allowed rather more freedom than some Regency young ladies, her strength of character is what makes her so appealing as a leading lady.

With a real sense of history and a good sized dollop of smouldering passion, The Earl's Irresistible Challenge gets the Sinful Sinclairs miniseries off to a really good start. I'm already looking forward to meeting up again with the Sinclairs in the not too distant future.

Lara Temple writes strong, sexy regency romances about complex individuals who give no quarter but do so with plenty of passion. After moving around the world for her career as a financial analyst and business consultant she returned to her childhood love of making up stories, and was surprised to discover that other people don’t mind reading them. 

She lives with her husband and two children who are very good about her taking over the kitchen table for her writing (so she can look out over the garden and dream while Oscar the dog keeps her feet warm by sitting on them as she works). 

The Earl’s Irresistible Challenge (out December 2018) is the first in her Sinful Sinclair series. In May 2019 Unlaced by the Highland Duke, part of a four book series with three other Harlequin Mills & Boon authors will be released.

Twitter @LaraTemple1

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