Saturday 12 July 2014

Tea and books....

For me 

The perfect combination 


Tea and Books

and a

A little light reading 

in my garden

Whatever you have planned for the weekend ~ I hope you have fun.....



  1. Ah!, just going to do the same thing, Josie!

  2. Looks very nice, enjoy! x

  3. Aw, this looks like the perfect place to read!!! I love drinking tea while I read too!! Do you have a favorite flavor of tea you enjoy drinking while reading? I am very partial to drinking jasmine green tea sweetened with some stevia while I readi!

  4. Thank you captivated Readers for your kind comments. My garden is my sanctuary and where I love to spend time. My favourite tea is Darjeeling but I also love Peppermint and Camomile which I drink unsweetened...happy tea drinking !!


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