Saturday 5 July 2014

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

St Martins Press

There is always something truly magical about a Sarah Addison Allen story. There is no doubt that she has captured a perfect corner of the magical realism genre and has truly made it her own. From the beginning of her books, I am always captivated by her command of the story and by her ability to transport me into a magical and very different world.

In Lost Lake, we are introduced to newly widowed, Kate and her eight year old daughter, Devin, who hope to make a new start after the tragic loss of a husband and father. Returning to Lost Lake, Kate hopes that the surroundings and time will ease her pain, but somehow the magic she remembers from her childhoods spent at Lost Lake, seems to have disappeared and when her aunt Eby who runs Lake Cottages, decides it’s time to sell up, Kate discovers that you can make time standstill, and sometimes you never realise things are lost, until they are found.

I enjoy these pretty little stories purely for the chance to get away from reality. And for just a few hours escape into a world of small town friendships, of love affairs lost and won, and of gentle kindnesses amongst friends.


 My Thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press for my ecopy of this book.


Sarah Addison Allen


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