Monday 20 April 2015

Bloggers on the Blog...Being Anne

Bloggers on the blog

My latest feature showcases some of the best of the book blogging community. 

These are the unsung heroes who are constantly on the look out for new and exciting books 

and who give so generously of their time ,energy and expertise.

I am delighted to welcome



 the excellent blog

What makes you want to blog about books?

I’ve always loved books - my mum would tell you stories about finding me in the corner at parties, reading whatever had caught my eye. As a grown-up, I still love every moment I spend reading - if I could read 24 hours a day I would. Retiring in March 14 was the second best thing - now, if there’s a day when I really don’t want to move, no-one’s going to tell me off for reading a book all day. I’ve reviewed books for years on various sites, I just want to let people know about the books I’ve loved. Nothing gives me more pleasure than an author tweeting their delight about a review, or a follower telling me they enjoyed a book as much as I did. 

What type of book makes you happy?

If it has words and a story, I’m happy - and if I’m not enjoying it, I’ll give it 100 pages, set it aside, and move on!

Which book have you recommended the most?

There are authors I recommend again and again, but the single book I suspect I might have recommended the most is Matt Haig’s The Last Family in England. I don’t usually read books about animals and pets, but I thought this book was just so perfect - I’ve never looked at labradors (or spaniels) in the same way again.

Which is the best book you received as a gift?

This is a poignant one. I read English Literature at university, and came away with a vast library of classics - I had a flood at my house a few years ago (when I lived near Wigan), and lost them all. I mentioned it to an on-line friend, and said that the book I missed the most was an illustrated copy of William blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience. My gifted replacement copy now has a very special place on my shelf and in my heart - rest in peace Penny. 

Which book has sent a shiver down your spine? 

I’m a bit of a wuss about shivers - my vivid imagination tends to turn them into nightmares. But I adore Stephen King… my all-time favourite was Gerald’s Game. His son, Joe Hill, is pretty good too - after reading his Heart-Shaped Box, I was afraid to leave the bedroom at night for quite some time! 

How many books do you have, as yet unread, on your book shelves?

If I say this quickly, it doesn’t sound as bad - over 2000, equally split between shelves and Kindle library. It’d be so awful to have nothing to read, wouldn’t it?

Tell me about a book you’ve read more than three times?

I just don’t - there are just so many wonderful new books published daily! A book I’ve read never returns to my shelves, unless it’s been signed by the author.

What’s your idea of book heaven or book hell?

“Book” and “hell” just don’t fit together for me… reading a book is always heaven!

Where is your favourite reading place?

I read everywhere (really… except the bath, I’ve never perfected that!). But my favourite place is on a horrible winter’s afternoon, in my favourite armchair in the lounge, with the cat snoring on my lap, scented candle burning, cup of tea and slice of cake to hand, classical or soft soul music playing in the background!

What has been your favourite book of the far ?

It’s been an excellent year so far, but I’d like to recommend The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes by Anna McPartlin - I thought it was a quite wonderful and life-affirming read, and can’t imagine anyone not loving it as much as I did.

Huge thanks to Anne for giving so generously of her time.

Jaffa and I love visiting your blog.

Long may it continue.



  1. Thank you Josie - lovely to be a guest on one of my favourite blogs. Hoping you and Jaffa are enjoying the sunshine xx

  2. Jaffa and I have loved having your company Anne - thanks for taking part and for sharing your love of books with us all. x


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