Monday 6 April 2015

Bloggers on the Blog - My Reading Corner

Bloggers on the blog

My latest feature showcases some of the best of the book blogging community. 

These are the unsung heroes who are constantly on the look out for new and exciting books 

and who give so generously of their time ,energy and expertise.

I am delighted to welcome



 the excellent blog

What makes you want to blog about books?

Two reasons, I can shout about books that I have enjoyed and hopefully tempt someone else to read them and also I just wanted an area to keep my reviews in once place, in a format of my choosing (I like to have a record of the correct book cover too).  Although I don’t show ratings on my reviews, I won’t include a book on my blog unless it has achieved a personal minimum rating of 3 out of 5*.

What type of book makes you happy?

A book that I WANT to pick up to read and that I can escape into, whether it’s a light romance or a crime thriller.  

Which book have you recommended the most?

I’ve recommended so many books over the years, I couldn’t possibly single one out!

Which is the best book you received as a gift?

Because I have so many books, I rarely receive books as gifts from loved ones, although I have some lovely book-loving friends who very kindly pass books on to me. 

Which book has sent a shiver down your spine?

In a good way or in a scary way? – I’m going for the scary option!  It’s difficult to remember as I’ve read so many but I do recall as a very young teenager hiding under the bedcovers secretly reading a James Herbert book, I think it was The Fog or The Rats.   I read it in secret because I knew my parents would think it unsuitable – they were probably right as I scared myself and had nightmares!

How many books do you have, as yet unread, on your book shelves?

This is so embarrassing.  With a combination of both paper and Kindle books, not far short of 3000 (including about 1500 Kindle books).  I do have several crates of books in the loft which are long overdue a cull as my reading tastes have changed over the years and many will probably never be read.  The charity shops will be locking their doors when they see me coming!   My Kindle books also need a serious cull as I’m now on to my third Kindle, no doubt having worn the others out with the amount of books held on them!

Karen's tidy book shelf !

Tell me about a book you’ve read more than three times?

I don’t re-read books.  There are too many new ones to read and enjoy.

What’s your idea of book heaven or book hell?

Book heaven would be to work in a book shop or to have a job in a book environment.  If there are any publishers reading this who need a PA ……you know how to contact me! 

Book hell is to be anywhere without a book to read.

Where is your favourite reading place?

I can read almost anywhere (except whilst in a moving car or bus – I have no idea why) which is just as well as I spend over 2 hours a day on uncomfortable train seats. I have my special place in the house – my own ‘reading corner’ which is my comfy recliner armchair in a corner of the lounge, with a reading light and table next to it for the coffee and cake! I also love reading in bed.

Karen's wonderful 'reading corner'

What has been your favourite book of the far ?

There are many that are soon to be released that I am looking forward to reading including several crime and psychological thrillers but as for those read from January this year, it’s probably a two way tie – between Three Amazing Things About You by Jill Mansell and one I have recently finished, The Dandelion Years by Erica James.  These were both 5* reads for me. 

Huge thanks to Karen for giving so generously of her time.

Jaffa and I love visiting your blog.

Long may it continue.



  1. I loved reading this question and answer session between Jo and Karen. There are so many questions that I would have answered similarly, so I readily (no pun intended - the best ones are always unintentional with me) identify with the book lover in you both.

    I admire you both for your energy, honesty and commitment to spreading the joyous news of a wonderful new title. You have both swapped books with me and given freely of your recommendations. Thank you. It's recognition time xx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Joan. It's a real pleasure to do these interviews with my fellow book bloggers.

    2. That's so lovely of you Joan. Thank you for your kind words. You're one of my trusted 'must read' reviewers and I'm so pleased that we share the same tastes x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good to know I wasn't the only teenager to give myself nightmares with The Rats - still vividly remember some scenes today!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment - Jaffareadstoo appreciates your interest.