Thursday 14 July 2011

Latest review is Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington

I was lucky to be asked to review a copy of this lovely book. Here are my thoughts -

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
jaffa's rating 4paws

Matt Bliss is a reservist in the American army, and when he is called to fight in Iraq, he tries to prepare his family for the possibility of life without him. Alice Bliss is fifteen; she idolises her father, loves dancing with him, and plans their garden with him, and with great awareness she tries to keep from imagining a life without him. With wisdom beyond her years, Alice tries to keep her family together without the presence of the father she adores.
The story begins rather slowly, we get to know Alice and her family, we laugh with them, and ultimately we cry with them. There are some lovely characters interspersed within the story, Gram, Henry and Uncle Eddie, all add richness to the text, and help lighten the gloom. When the family get the news that Matt is missing in action, the story really begins to evolve into a perceptive analysis of love and loss.
Overall, I thought that the story was quite nicely written, as with quiet dignity Laura Harrington has managed to explore the sensitive topic of military loss in a tender and realistic way. There are some beautiful one-liners within the narrative which will stay with me for a long time.

I enjoyed reading it and will recommend it to my friends.

Taken from the book -

" You asked me what I miss....
You. I'll begin and end with you "

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