Wednesday 5 June 2024

πŸ“– Book Review ~ You Me Her by Sue Watson


3 June 2024

My thanks to the publisher for my copy of this book

Three people. One marriage. One murder.

YOU: My handsome husband Tom. You've given me everything our beautiful son and our perfect new seaside home. I want to trust you, but I know you haven't been honest about why you really wanted to move here. I haven't been honest with you either.

ME: I make a secret promise as Tom kisses me and pours a glass of ice-cold wine to toast the first night in our dream house: I'm going to forget about his past. For the sake of our son, I'll keep this family together, no matter what.

HER: Chloe is the only friend I've made since the move. I love our long lunches, even though she asks prying questions about my marriage. Tom hates me spending time with her, but I ignore his warning to stay away. I've seen the way he looks at her. It's better to keep your enemies close.

You may think you know what's going on in my marriage, but you'll be wrong. Only three things are true: Someone is a liar. Someone is in danger. Someone is a killer.

πŸ“– My review…

After receiving an inheritance Rachel, her husband, and small son relocate from Manchester to Cornwall. This move should have been the start of a new life for the three of them with everything to look forward to, however, it soon becomes obvious that there are differences in this marriage and even the most idyllic of settings can’t cover up the cracks.

You Me Her is a fast moving thriller which gets more and more complicated as the story progresses especially with the introduction of a character who soon becomes something of a nightmare. I really enjoyed watching how the drama unfolded and whilst none of the major characters were particularly likeable there was more than enough twists and turns to keep me guessing about who did what to whom and why! That there is danger ahead for Rachel is done really well and the hint of a past trauma in her life helps to keep the tension cranked up high. There’s never a moment when the pace slackens and author keeps this momentum going throughout the whole of the story.

You Me Her is an immersive and atmospheric story which really stretches the imagination and keeps you guessing until the final twist in the tale.

About the Author

Sue Watson was a TV Producer at the BBC until she wrote her first book and was hooked.Now a USA Today bestselling author, Sue has written eighteen novels, many have been translated into several languages. Sue is now exploring the darker side of life with her thrillers OUR LITTLE LIES, THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR, THE EMPTY NEST, THE SISTER-IN-LAW, FIRST DATE and her latest, THE FOREVER HOME.

Originally from Manchester, Sue now lives with her family in Worcestershire where much of her day is spent writing - okay, procrastinating. Her hobby is eating cake, while watching diet and exercise programmes from the sofa, a skill she's perfected after many years of practice.

X @suewatsonwriter #YouMeHer


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