Sunday 10 April 2022

🍴Sunday Brunch with Jaffareadstoo ~ Nikki Dudley

On this quiet Sunday morning why don't you put the kettle on, make your favourite breakfast and settle down for Sunday Brunch with Jaffareadstoo

I'm delighted to welcome Nikki Dudley to Sunday Brunch 

Welcome, Nikki. What favourite food are you bringing to Sunday brunch?

Probably something messy like tacos that we all have to make ourselves. Then we’d already feel comfortable with one another.

Would you like a pot of English breakfast tea, a strong Americano, or a glass of Bucks Fizz?

Bucks fizz or the tea!

Where shall we eat brunch – around the kitchen table, in the formal dining room, or outside on the patio?

Around the kitchen table probably – wherever people feel comfortable!

Shall we have music playing in the background, and if so do you have a favourite piece of music?

I love rock music and musical songs! Or maybe some classic 80s because we all know the words (yes, I know we do).

Which of your literary heroes (dead or alive) are joining us for Sunday Brunch today?

I love Charles Yu, Yoko Ogawa, bpNichol and Jose Saramago.

Which favourite book will you bring to Sunday Brunch?

One of my favourite books is Catch-22 because you can read it differently every time and it encapsulates the absurdity of life in so many ways.

When you are writing do you still find time to read for pleasure? And is there a book you would like to read but haven’t had time for …yet!

I try my best but when I’m really into the process, I just have to keep writing! But I always read a bit of poetry or some short stories to keep me going. I love when a book refuses to be put down though and I just have to keep reading.

Where do you find the inspiration for your novels?

Everywhere – in news stories, in weird thoughts, in conversations. I don’t tend to base them on real-life people though. I have been fascinated with sleepwalking for a while now and coincidentally, it’s been in a few things I’ve been watching, so in my latest novel, it’s definitely a feature.

Have you a favourite place to settle down to write and do you find it easier to write in winter or summer?

I just love to have me and my laptop, in a place where I can think and not feel guilty (as a mum for not spending time with my kids)! I don’t mind which season – both have their beautiful aspects.

When writing to a deadline are you easily distracted and if so how do you bring back focus on your writing?

I can get distracted if I’m struggling with the story or something with the plot. I used to self-edit a lot along the way but I try to force myself to push through now and edit later. I leave myself a note if I’m not sure and then return to it much later when the majority is written!

Give us four essential items that a writer needs?

Imagination, openness, something to write with, patience.

What can you tell us about your latest novel or your current work in progress?

I’m working on a new thriller at the moment, which is actually linked to my latest one, Volta, released in 2021. I have always wanted to write a novel about sleepwalking and the implications of a crime being committed while sleepwalking, so that’s the essence of it!

When Briony Campbell confesses to killing her boyfriend, a straightforward crime soon turns into a baffling mystery.

Haunted by demons from his past, lawyer S.J. Robin is assigned to the case. But as confusion – and the body count – rises, he’s forced to question who is guilty and who is innocent.

Can he see justice served and hold on to the woman he loves?

Nikki, where can we follow you on social media?

Instagram: @nikkisdudley

More about Nikki

Nikki is managing editor of streetcake magazine and also runs the streetcake writing prize and MumWrite. She has a chapbook and collection with KFS. Her pamphlet 'I'd better let you go' and collection 'Fanny B. Mine' are out with Beir Bua Press. She is the winner of the Virginia Prize 2020 and her second novel, Volta was published in May 2021. She has a legitimate snack forthcoming with Broken Sleep Books.

Thank you for taking part in Sunday Brunch with Jaffareadstoo

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