Wednesday 8 February 2017

Blog Tour ~ The One by John Marrs

Jaffareadstoo is delighted to be hosting today's stop on The One Blog Tour

Ebury Publishing

What's it all about ..

How far would you go to find THE ONE?

One simple mouth swab is all it takes.

One tiny DNA test to find your perfect partner - the one you're genetically made for.

A decade after scientists discover everyone has a gene they share with just one person, millions have taken the test, desperate to find true love.

Now, five more people take the test. But even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking - and deadlier - than others...

My thoughts about it...

Imagine if the search for your soul mate was as easy as providing a DNA sample and then just sitting back and waiting until your perfect genetic match was found.

In this cleverly written novel, five people are genetically matched with their perfect partner and whilst on the surface nothing can go wrong, after all these are perfect matches, aren’t they? Well, pretty soon it becomes obvious that all is not going to be as easy as is first suggested. Each character has a very different journey to travel towards a perfect DNA match up and their individual route to true love is messy, complicated and filled with a whole heap of trouble.

This book is unlike anything I've read in a long time. For a start the short and snappy character vignettes really draw you into the concept of DNA match making and as each of the characters are so different you can’t help but be completely taken in by their stories. Each chapter ends on a real cliff hanger so that you find that you are eagerly looking ahead to see what happens next.

I'm deliberately being vague as this really is one of those stories that you should read without being told what to expect. However, what I will say is that the author's skill at conjuring a really good story shines through with every well written word. The idea is original, quirky, thought provoking, dangerously compelling and oh so clever, it made me smile with glee. I love stories that make me think, stories that never take the reader for granted, stories that make you sit up straight in your chair, stories that make turning each page an absolute delight and which keep you reading, reading, reading long after you should be tucked up and asleep.

The One is one such story. Read it.

And after reading the book would you take the test ???

Best Read with..a pot of low fat piri piri hummus and a chicken cup-a-soup 

About the Author

John Marrs is a freelance journalist based in London, England, who has spent the last 20 years interviewing celebrities from the world of television, film and music for national newspapers and magazines.

He has written for publications including The Guardian's Guide and Guardian Online; OK! Magazine; Total Film; Empire; Q; GT; The Independent; Star; Reveal; Company; Daily Star and News of the World's Sunday Magazine.’

Follow on Twitter @johnmarrs1

My thanks to the author and to Stephenie at Ebury Press for the invitation to be a part of this tour.

Tour runs until the 16th February so do visit the other stops for more exciting stuff about #TheOne.

Just for fun you can try to find your character match by clicking here


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