Sunday 15 March 2015

Sunday War poem is for mothers...

On this Mothering Sunday I would like to share this poem  with you.

The Mother


May Herschel-Clarke


If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England.

If you should die, think only this of me
In that still quietness where is space for thought,
Where parting, loss and bloodshed shall not be,
And men may rest themselves and dream of nought:
That in some place a mystic mile away
One whom you loved has drained the bitter cup
Till there is nought to drink; has faced the day
Once more, and now, has raised the standard up.
And think, my son, with eyes grown clear and dry
She lives as though for ever in your sight,
Loving the things you loved, with heart aglow
For country, honour, truth, traditions high,
--Proud that you paid their price.

(And if some night Her heart should break--well, lad, you will not know)

May Hershel Clarke was an English poet better known for her anti-war poems.
The Mother was published in 1919 in direct response to  Rupert Brookes very famous sonnet
The Soldier.

For Mothers today and every day


they are always our sons and daughters.


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