Friday 6 July 2012

Friday Recommends..

Friday again, and it's time for my choice of book for Friday recommends...

This is an exciting book blog hop that book bloggers can take part in once a week to share with their followers, the books that they most recommend reading!

The rules for Friday Recommends are:

Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
Pick a book that you've read, and have enjoyed enough to recommend to other readers. It can be a book you've read recently, or a book you read years ago - it's up to you - but make sure you tell us why you love the book (like a mini review). You make the post as long or as short as you like.
Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

My Friday Recommended read is the soon to be published 

Shadow of Night


My thanks to Penguin Group Viking for an advance reading e-copy

Together we lifted our feet and stepped into the unknown"

At the start of Shadow of Night, Matthew de  Clairmont and Diana Bishop, time-slip back to sixteenth century England in order to discover more about the mysterious manuscript Ashmole 782, which featured so predominantly in A Discovery of Witches.

Fraught with danger, and malicious intrigue, their search is never going to be uncomplicated, as 1500 year old vampire Matthew, already familiar with Elizabethan England, must stand back and watch Diana take her first tentative steps in learning her skill in witchcraft. In an age where superstition and malevolent conspiracy was rife, Matthew and Diana must learn to negotiate through a social and political minefield. It is interesting to observe how this formidable combination of witch and vampire coalesce into a stunning portrayal of an unconventional relationship. 

With this long awaited second volume in the All Soul’s Trilogy, Deborah Harkness has used her undoubted skill as a historian to successfully recreate the world of Elizabethan England. She has combined the fascinating and troubled history of the sixteenth century, with a believable and often mesmerising view of the parallel world of vampires, daemons, and witches. Interspersing the story with real historical figures is inspired, and gives a real insight into the period, and makes the story all the more believable.

There is always the possibility that book two in a series will be less powerful than the first novel, rest easy, there is no such problem with Shadow of Night. If anything, this book is even better than the first, and whilst there is a tendency to want to read all 592 pages in one sitting, this is definitely one of those books which is better savoured, and enjoyed slowly.

Just be prepared to do nothing until you have finished it.

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