Wednesday 3 May 2023

πŸ“– Book Birthday Blitz ~ The Illicit Love of a Courtesan by Jane Lark

One More Chapter

My thanks to the publisher for my copy of this book
and to Rachel's Random Resources for the invitation to celebrate this book birthday

In the eyes of the ton, Ellen Harding lives a charmed life - she is the beautiful, exquisitely adorned mistress of Lord Gainsborough.

But on the inside, behind her glamorous façade, she is empty - a vessel - deaf to the voice of morality and blind to shame. Unable to escape the gilded cage she has been trapped within.

Kind, gentle Edward Marlow could prove to be her salvation... With one look he gives her hope. With one touch he sets her senses alight.

πŸ“– My Review..

Today sees the tenth anniversary of the publication of this first book in the Marlow Intrigues series of regency romances which can all be read as standalones and yet there is also something of a theme to discover.

Ellen Harding is the rather beautiful mistress of the odious Duke of Gainsborough however, her life as a courtesan leaves her without emotion that is until she catches the eye of the dashingly handsome Edward Marlow and the course of both their lives changes forever. That there is more to discover about Ellen and Edward is obvious from the start and over the course of this intriguing story we get to know just what has brought them to this moment in time and their momentous meeting. 

Beautifully written and gloriously descriptive, we move from the tense atmosphere of a London gaming den, to the quiet interior of a gentleman's club and then to the rural splendour of a country estate, bringing the splendour and intrigue of this Regency world to life in authentic detail. The undeniable sexual attraction between Ellen and Edward absolutely sizzles on the page and whilst the story is unashamedly romantic, with some sensual encounters, there are also elements of danger and that is what makes this regency romance such an intriguing and passionate read.

This regency genre of romantic historical fiction is having something of a resurgence so if you enjoy passionate and sensual romances then The Illicit Love of a Courtesan is a good place to start with the added temptation of having eight books in the series to enjoy.

About the Author

Jane has been shortlisted for several industry awards. She is a Kindle bestselling author and a writer of compelling, passionate, and emotionally charged fiction. She loves writing intense relationships and is thrilled to hear readers say they have loved a book so much they have read it more than once.

Purchase Links

Available on Kindle Unlimited on Amazon

The Illicit Love of a Courtesan Book 1 

The Marlow Family Secret Full Series

Social Media Links 


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the story and share your review, I really appreciate it, and I'm thrilled you loved it.

    Best wishes


    1. I enjoyed reading it and will now go on to read the other books in the series.


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