Sunday 7 July 2013

Review ~ Burning Embers by Hannah Fielding

Burning Embers
Omnific Publishing; 1st edition (20 April 2012)

Following her father’s death, Coral Sinclair must return to Mpingo, her beloved childhood home in Kenya. On the voyage from England, she is attracted to a mysterious stranger, but when their paths cross again on neighbouring plantations in Kenya, Coral must face the dilemma of her attraction to Rafe de Monfort, a man who everyone tells her she should avoid.

In many ways the story reads as a contemporary romance, and yet the setting of the story in 1970 makes it almost historical, but what I enjoyed most of all, was the author’s ability to paint a vivid picture of Kenya, with all its myriad colours and sensations. She explores the myths and legends of its indigenous people and incorporates these into a charismatic storyline. The characters are all finely drawn, and whilst the burgeoning attraction between Coral and Rafe forms the basis of the story, it is the detail of the other characters, like Coral’s childhood nanny, who is full of foreboding, the jealous step mother who sees Coral as a sexual threat, and Coral’s foolhardy ex-fiancรฉ, whose reckless pursuit of Coral will leave in her in danger, who really bring the story to life.

I found that I was completely enamoured of this story and wanted to read it at every opportunity, and although I needed to discover more about the smouldering romance between Coral and Rafe, I also wanted to read more about the vivid landscape of Africa, which is brought to life so vividly by this talented author.


Do come back tomorrow to meet the author Hannah Fielding and to read an excerpt from

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