Saturday, 1 July 2023

πŸ“– Featured Book of the Month ~ The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd-Robinson


22 June 2023

My thanks to the publisher for my copy of this book

‘My father had spelt it out to me. Choice was a luxury I couldn’t afford. This is your story, Red. You must tell it well . . .’

A girl known only as Red, the daughter of a Cornish fortune-teller, travels with her father making a living predicting fortunes using the ancient method: the Square of Sevens. When her father suddenly dies, Red becomes the ward of a gentleman scholar.

Now raised as a lady amidst the Georgian splendour of Bath, her fortune-telling is a delight to high society. But she cannot ignore the questions that gnaw at her soul: who was her mother? How did she die? And who are the mysterious enemies her father was always terrified would find him?

The pursuit of these mysteries takes her from Cornwall and Bath to London and Devon, from the rough ribaldry of the Bartholomew Fair to the grand houses of two of the most powerful families in England. And while Red's quest brings her the possibility of great reward, it also leads into her grave danger..,

πŸ“– My Review..

A child, known only as Red, travels the country fairs with her father, together they tell fortunes using the ancient method of the Square of Sevens. They've each known hard times and sad times and their familial bond is precious so when Red's father becomes dangerously ill there is no-one, other than a casual acquaintance, who can take responsibility for this precociously talented child.

Moving seamlessly into the world of the Georgian middle classes we follow Red's journey as she learns how to be a lady amongst the elite of Bath society. From the inside of matronly salons, to the gossip of the Pump Room, Red absorbs everything around her whilst at the same time continues to share her prodigious talent for fortune telling. However, even as the lure of the Square of Sevens continues to entrance and delight, so the news of the resurgence of this ancient method of fortune telling disturbs those who know its history only too well and who would rather the secret of the cards remain hidden.

Long buried family secrets, deadly lies and scurrilous gossip abound in this wonderful Dickensian-like tale of Georgian England. It's mean, it's moody, it creates such an ambiance that at times I forgot where I was and it was only on looking up I realised that I wasn't  actually in Georgian London, watching the viciousness of bear baiting, fighting my corner in the Magpie or strolling amongst the crowds at the Bartholomew Fair.

To say this author brings history alive is an understatement, the story zings with anticipation, gloriously detailing a long standing family feud and controlling all the many players with a skillful eye for even the smallest detail and at centre stage stands Red, a feisty and all-consuming heroine, it is her story.

Beautifully written from start to finish I have no hesitation in making The Square of Sevens my Featured book of the Month for July.

About the Author

Laura Shepherd-Robinson was born in Bristol in 1976. She has a BSc in Politics from the University of Bristol and an MSc in Political Theory from the London School of Economics. Laura worked in politics for nearly twenty years before re-entering normal life to complete an MA in Creative Writing at City University. She lives in London with her husband.

Twitter @laurasrobinson


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