

Saturday 6 June 2020

Summer Picnic with Jaffareadstoo ...

 In this time of lock down Jaffareadstoo is delighted to welcome you all

 to our virtual Summer Picnic 

Pull up a deck chair, tie knots in your hanky and roll up your trouser legs!

☼ Summer time is here ☼ 

☼ I'm delighted to share our Summer picnic ☼

Photo credit : Picksipics

What favourite foods are you bringing to our summer picnic? 

I’m bringing spicy pork pies, savoury chicken legs, assorted continental cooked meats and a delicious chunk of Lancashire cheese. A big tub of creamy coleslaw, crunchy green salad, and lots of sweet and piquant cherry tomatoes. 

For dessert we have a lemon tart and home-made scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream

Would you like chilled white wine, a flute of Prosecco, a tumbler of Pimms, or a tall glass of sparkling elderflower cordial? 

A tall glass of ice cold sparkling elderflower cordial for me 

Where shall we sit, by the pool, in the garden, in the countryside, at the seaside? 

We’ll sit in the countryside near a river and we’ll let the sound of the water ease away all our cares and worries 

Bolton Abbey
Photo credit: Digital Images

Do we have a wicker hamper, tablecloth and cutlery, or is everything in a supermarket carrier bag? 

We have a wicker hamper, with a checkered tablecloth and proper cutlery and glasses 

Do you have favourite place to have a summer picnic? 

Let’s go to Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire. Its idyllic setting makes it a perfect location and we can soak up over a thousand years of history while we eat our picnic

Bolton Abbey
Photo credit: Digital Images

Which of your literary heroes are joining us on the picnic today

Charlotte, Anne and Emily Bronte, Jane Austen and Daphne du Maurier. They are all strong and decisive women and amazing authors who have stood the test of time. I think we'd have a lively picnic!

Which summer read are you bringing with you today? 

I’m bringing what promises to be an interesting historical novel set in England in 1628. The Honey and the Sting by Elizabeth Fremantle is published in August.

Michael Joseph
August 2020

What is your earliest summer memory? 

Going on a caravan holiday to north Wales when I was about three years old. I had a yellow swimming costume which had little blue birds printed on it. I remember being fascinated by seagulls and hearing their feet pitter patter on the caravan roof in the early morning. 

Do you have a favourite summer hideaway? 

I love my garden in the summer time. It has areas of both sun and shade and I can find quiet corners to read and relax. Sitting in my reading chair with one, or other, of the cats curled up in the sunshine close to my chair is my perfect hideaway.

Photo credit : Picksipics

Do you have a summer music playlist for reading / writing? And if so will you share with us a favourite song or piece of music that makes you feel summery? 

I listen to music all the time and have an eclectic mix of playlists on Spotify. I enjoy light classical music if I’m reading and Vaughan Williams, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, is one of my favourites but I’m also just as comfortable listening to Elbow, Bastille, Jess Glynne and Birdy. 

Do you find that your reading tastes differ between winter and summer? 

I prefer to read lighter and more romantic novels during the summer season and leave the darker psychological suspense stories for the darker months. I do enjoy reading hefty historical novels during the summer and always save a promising epic for long days in the garden. 

You can find us on social media? 

Twitter  @Jaffareadstoo 

Instagram @jaffareadstoo 

Follow our virtual picnics on Twitter


Starting tomorrow with Chantelle Atkins and Wendy H Jones, please come and join some amazing authors during June, July and August and share in their Summer Picnics...


  1. How wonderful. It looks fabulous!

  2. That's an inspired idea. Bolton Abbey looks a fabulous place for a picnic but since in Wales we are restricted to the distance we can travel from home I can't join you in person......


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