

Monday 10 December 2012

Review - Hands On Healing Remedies by Stephanie L. Tourles

This nicely illustrated book with 150 recipes for old fashioned remedies is a pleasure to read and is one of those books that will sit happily on your book shelf until you need to look for inspiration for a healing remedy. Most of the ingredients used are commonly found and nothing requires the reader to have a degree in biochemistry to understand. I loved the idea of Sweet Annie Serenity Oil - how I need some of that in the run up to Christmas, and I can almost smell the aroma of Simple Lavender Infused Oil - what a lovely idea to use this year's lavender crop infused in sweet almond oil. Interspersed amongst the holistic remedies are snippets of stories and little bonus tips which all add together to make a really lovely book. Reading through it reminded me little of my grandmother who always had a jar of comfrey steeping in a jar which she would apply to cuts and bruises.

It just proves that sometimes the old remedies are equally as good as new and often chemically bound alternatives.

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