

Thursday 29 September 2011

Review - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I didn't know much about this trilogy of young adult books until The Hunger Games was recommended by my book group, and to be honest the idea of reading about young people fighting to the death on live television was enough to put me off reading it at all - but I'm so glad I took advantage of Amazon's recent Kindle sale and purchased the first of the Trilogy....

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
jaffa's rating 5paws

Set sometime in the future, in the dystopian society of Panem, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister's place when she is selected to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games. Katniss is pitted against other youngsters who must use their wit and cunning in order to survive.

The premise of the book should be off putting - young people selected to fight to the death on live television isn't something I would normally choose to read, however, this book captures your imagination from the opening page and carries you along in a tidal stream of events.

Whilst reading the book I was reminded forcibly of Reality TV shows like X-factor and American Idol, and whilst we don't encourage young people to fight to the death on live television, we do as a society  "enjoy" and actively encourage the cut-throat world of competitive combat live on our TV screens.

Maybe this book should act as a salutary warning.


  1. I keep hearing about this one, thanks for the great review.

    There is an award for you on my blog :)

  2. Thanks Lindsay for my blog award !

    Hope you decide to read The Hunger Games soon - it's well worth it !

  3. You are welcome, I enjoy your reviews and your bright cheerful blog and it's so cute that Jaffa joins in :)
    My friend has given me a copy of Mockingjay, I believe that's the third book in the trilogy so I must try them.
    Thank you for the award back :)


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