

Sunday 21 August 2011

Keeping it local...

I had a lovely morning at a local farmer's market, and was able to stock up on good quality local produce, including my favourite toiletries which are hand made by Tiger Muffin Soaps. I've given so many gifts of these little soaps - they have travelled all over the UK. My favourites are the lovely soothing Lavender, and the Rose Geranium.

Looking at the crafts on offer at the market, I was inspired to try my hand at Felting - I love to design and knit bags -so to add another dimension would be a really useful skill, and something to concentrate on over Winter.....and it's a great excuse to go and look for a local pure wool stockist.

Jaffa loves wool and never harms my knitting, however, his friend Timmy who visits regularly tends to treat wool with suspicion, and would attack it given half a chance -

Happy Sunday everyone..


  1. I'm thinking we need a picture of Timmy :).

    I didn't know you liked soaps, will keep that in mind the next time I see an unusual one

    Lainy x

  2. Lainy - I love pretty soap - I think it comes from years of washing my hands with surgical scrub in hospital!
    I'll find a picture of Timmy - he's just like Jaffa but without the white bib and paws - !!


  3. I've been working my way through all your posts and just finished. I've added a few books to my "TBR sometime" list (not that it needed any more - Sigh!), so I'll see if I can get to them. It's always nice to hear (read) about good books.


  4. Hi ABL - nice to see you here - glad you managed to pick up a few extra book ideas along the way - please come back again soon x


Thanks for taking the time to comment - Jaffareadstoo appreciates your interest.