

Saturday 24 November 2012

Review- World War One: History in an Hour by Rupert Colley

World War One: History In An Hour
Harper Collins UK
March 2012

Continuing my reading theme of Remembrance for November, I was attracted to this concise history of World War One which aims to give enough historical information in the space of an hour's reading time.

And does it fulfil its aim - well yes, I think it does, although as always it depends on personal reading speeds, but overall, the concise nature of the book makes it interesting and informative without getting too intent on too much detail. It's also the type of book that you can refer back to if needed and would make a valuable extra resource for students covering this topic in history.

There will be those who suggest that you simply can't know all there is to know about WW1 in an hour's reading time, and I would wholeheartedly agree, but if like me you read historical fiction set in this time frame, then the book works well as a short aide memoir.

At time of writing this book is currently a free kindle download on Amazon UK


  1. Ooh, what a good idea. Thanks for highlighting this one, Josie. When reading historical fiction my interest is often piqued and I'd love to read more about the particular era but time is so limited - this sounds like a good solution for time-pressed folk!

    1. Hi Treez - This book is still currently a free kindle download on !


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